Leaving state care is a daunting experience – sink or swim? For most of us, we have to find our own independence and identity.
We will develop after care programmes for care leavers. All Irish central and regional government departments need to scrutinise their own policiesand we suggest six areas for attention:
We welcome the approval by Government in February 2014 to publish the General Scheme and Heads of the Aftercare Bill 2014.
This proposed legislation will strengthen the legislative provisions for aftercare by amending the Child Care Act 1991 to place a statutory duty on the Child and Family Agency to prepare an after care plan for each eligible child.
Foster parents/carers come from all walks of life regardless of your marital status, sexuality or residential status. Foster families come from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds which reflect the needs of the children/young people they care for.
The main criteria is that the foster family has the room, both physically and emotionally to accommodate a child/ren and can provide a stable family environment in which to raise the foster child/young person.
Foster Carers need to have time and energy to invest in a child or young person. must enjoy the company of children and young people. must be able to communicate effectively, not only with the child/young person but with social workers, the children's birth families and others concerned with the well-being of the child/young person. need to be flexible and non-judgemental, as well as patient and understanding. A sense of humor is also a necessity!
Social workers employed by foster care agencies help children become acclimated to foster homes upon pairing them with suitable families. At CLN we recognise the value and commitment of our Social Workers. The level of personal involvment and trust that is required. That is why we want to offer our support. We hope our resourses and insights will be of value to you.